5. ‘core’ configuration:

Meers operations are mainly controlled by the meer.yaml file. The configuration file is split into two sections. The meer-core controls how Meer processes incoming data from EVE files. The output-plugins controls how data extracted from the EVE files is transported to a database backend.

5.1. ‘meer-core’ example



  hostname: "mysensor"  # Unique name for this sensor (no spaces)
  interface: "eth0"     # Can be anything.  Sagan "syslog", suricata "eth0".

  description: "My awesome sensor!"   # Description of this sensor.  This
                                      # will be added to _all_ logs!

  payload-buffer-size: 1024kb         # This is the max size buffer that can
                                      # be read in/written out.  It should
                                      # match your payload-buffer-size in
                                      # Surcata or be larger.  Valid
                                      # Notations are "kb", "mb" and "gb".

  runas: "suricata"     # User to "drop privileges" too.
  #runas: "sagan"

  classification: "/etc/suricata/classification.config"
  #classification: "/usr/local/etc/sagan-rules/classification.config"

  meer_log: "/var/log/meer/meer.log"          # Meer log file
  waldo_file: "/var/log/meer/meer.waldo"      # Where to store the last
                                              # position in the
                                              # "follow-eve" file.

  lock_file: "/var/log/meer/meer.lck"         # To prevent dueling processes.

  follow_eve: "/var/log/suricata/alert.json"  # The Suricata/Sagan file to monitor
  #follow-eve: "/var/log/sagan/alert.json"

  # fingerprint
  # This enables the "fingerprint" option.  When used in conjunction with the
  # "fingerprint.rules" (https://github.com/quadrantsec/fingerprint-rules),
  # this will record things like operating system type,  type of system it is
  # (client/server), etc.  This data get routed differently and does not
  # generate "alerts".

  fingerprint: enabled
  fingerprint_networks: ",,"
  # client_stats
  # "client_stats" are specific to Sagan and allow Sagan/Meer to record
  # information about systems sending Sagan data.  This has no affect on
  # Suricata.

  client_stats: disabled

  # oui_lookup
  # The "oui_lookup" allows Meer to lookup vender information based off
  # a MAC address.  Information is stored in fingerprinting JSON.  The
  # MAC/OUI database
  # https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark/raw/master/manuf

  oui_lookup: disabled
  oui_filename: "/usr/local/etc/manuf"

  # dns
  # If "dns" is enabled, Meer will do reverse DNS (PTR) lookups of an IP.
  # The "dns_cache" is the amount of time Meer should "cache" a PTR record
  # for.  The DNS cache prevents Meer from doing repeated lookups of an
  # already looked up PTR record.  This reduces overloading DNS servers.

  dns: enabled
  dns_cache: 900      # Time in seconds.

  # geoip
  # If "geoip" is enabled, Meer will add GeoIP information (JSON) to
  # "alert" data.  You'll need to compile Meer with Maxmind's GeoIP
  # support (--enable-geoip). Data that will be added,  when available,
  # includes ISO country code, city, subdivision, postal code,
  # timezone,  latitude and longitude.

  geoip: disabled
  geoip_database: "/usr/local/share/GeoIP2/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"

5.2. ‘meer-core’ options

Below describes the options in the meer-core section of the meer.yaml.

5.2.1. hostname

This is stored in the database in the sensor table under the hostname column.
The interface is appended to the hostname. This option is required.

5.2.2. interface

The interface is stored in the sensor table appended to the hostname and interface columns. This describes in what interface the data was collected. This can be any descriptive string. For example, “eth0”, “syslog”, etc. This option is required.

5.2.3. runas

This is the user name the Meer process should “drop privileges” to. You will likely want to run Meer as the same user name that is collecting information. For example, “sagan” or “suricata”. The runas can protect your system from security flaws in Meer. Do not run as “root”. This option is required.

5.2.4. classification

The classification option tells Meer where to find classification types. This file typically ships with Sagan, Suricata, and Snort rules. It defines a ‘classtype’ (for example, “attempt-recon”) and assigns a numeric priority to the event. This option is required.

5.2.5. meer_log

The meer_log is the location of the file for Meer to record errors and statistics to. The file will need to be writable by the same user specified in the runas option.

5.2.6. metadata

The metadata option tells Meer to decode “metadata” from Suricata or Sagan. If the “metadata” is present in the alert, Meer will decode it and store its contents in memory for later use.

5.2.7. flow

The flow option tells Meer to decode “flow” data from Suricata or Sagan. If the “flow” JSON is present in the alert, Meer will decode it and store its contents in memory for later use.

5.2.8. http

The http option tells Meer to decode “http” data from Suricata or Sagan. If the “http” JSON is present in the alert, Meer will decode it and store its contents in memory for later use.

5.2.9. tls

The tls option tells Meer to decode “tls” data from Suricata or Sagan. If the “tls” JSON is present in the alert, Meer will decode it and store its contents in memory for later use.

5.2.10. ssh

The ssh option tells Meer to decode “ssh” data from Suricata or Sagan. If the “ssh” JSON is present in the alert, Meer will decode it and store its contents in memory for later use.

5.2.11. smtp

The smtp option tells Meer to decode “smtp” data from Suricata or Sagan. If the “smtp” JSON is present in the alert, Meer will decode it and store its contents in memory for later use.

5.2.12. email

The email option tells Meer to decode “email” data from Suricata or Sagan. If the “email” JSON is present in the alert, Meer will decode it and store its contents in memory for later use. This is not to be confused with smtp. The data from email will contain information like e-mail file attachments, carbon copies, etc.

5.2.13. json

The json option tells Meer to store the original JSON/EVE event. This is the raw event that Meer has read in.

5.2.14. fingerprint

The fingerprint option tells Meer to decode “fingerprint” rules and route the data differently. Fingerprint rules do not work like normal rules. The data from these rules is used to passively fingerprint systems for operating systems and types (client/server). This information can be valuable to determine if an attack might have been successful or not. Fingerprint rules are located at https://github.com/quadrantsec/fingerprint-rules.

5.2.15. fingerprint_log

When fingerprint rules fire, this is the log file that is create and data sent to. This log file format is an JSON (EVE) log file and is meant to be routed to a Elasticsearch back end. The idea is to store this information for historical purposes.

5.2.16. dns

The dns option tells Meer to perform a DNS PTR (reverse) record lookup of the IP addresses involved in an alert. This option is useful because it records the DNS record at the time the event occurred.

5.2.17. dns_cache

When dns is enabled, Meer will internally cache records to avoid repetitive lookups. For example, if 1000 alerts come in from a single IP address, Meer will look up the DNS PTR record one time and use the cache for the other 999 times. This saves on lookup time and extra stress on the internal DNS server. If you do not want Meer to cache DNS data, simply set this option to 0. The dns_cache time is in seconds.

5.2.18. health

The health option is a set of signatures used to monitor the health of Meer and your Sagan or Suricata instances. When enabled, Meer will treat certain Sagan and Suricata signatures as “health” indicators rather than normal alerts. When a “health” signature occurs, Meer updates the sensor table health column with the epoch time the health signature triggered. This can be useful in quickly determining if a sensor is down or behind (back logged) on alerts.

5.2.19. health_signatures

When health is enabled, this option supplies a list of signature IDs (sid) to Meer of Suricata or Sagan “health” signatures.

5.2.20. waldo_file

The waldo_file is a file that Meer uses to keep track of its last location within a EVE/JSON file. This keeps Meer from re-reading data in between stop/starts. This option is required.

5.2.21. lock_file

The lock_file is used to help avoid multiple Meer processes from processing the same data. The lock_file should be unique per Meer instance. The lock file contains the process ID (PID) of instance of Meer. This option is required.

5.2.22. follow_eve

The follow_eve option informs Meer what file to “follow” or “monitor” for new alerts. You will want to point this to your Sagan or Suricata “alert” EVE output file. You can think of Meer “monitoring” this file similar to how “tail -f” operates. This option is required.